- Artikel-Nr.: 9783861356813
Music Archiving in the World
Papers Presented at the Conference on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv
Hg./Ed.: Berlin, Gabriele & Simon, Artur- 2002
- 520 p. + Compact Disc
- Hardcover
- 17 x 24 cm
- engl.
- EUR 50,00
- ISBN 3-86135-681-3
This book contains articles by 66 authors who are concerned with the documentation and archival of music and dance. The contributions come from 31 countries from all over the world. In the first section of the book, general recent issues in sound archiving are discussed, such as the significance of archive recordings in modern societies and concepts behind the digitisation of historic sound recordings. The second part gives an insight into the unique qualities of regional and national music archives, not only in industrial metropolises but also in lesser-known places such as Cerreto di Spoleto in the Italian province of Umbria or Port Vila in the South Seas republic of Vanuatu.
The articles were presented as papers at the international conference held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv in September, 2000, in Berlin, Germany. One of the oldest music archives in existence, the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv currently contains the largest collections of music and musical instruments in the world. It was here that the scholarly discipline of comparative musicology, or ethnomusicology, originated about one hundred years ago. Because of its unique collections, the archive has been included in the UNESCO "Memory of the World" Register.
Inhalt / Contents:
- Karin von Welck: Message of Greating
- Klaus-Dieter Lehmann: Greeting Address
- Viola König: Greeting Address
- Gabriele Berlin: Preface
- Dieter Christensen: Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv: The First 100 Years
- Artur Simon: The Concept of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv and the Preservation of Unwritten Music
Part I: Recent Issues in Sound Archiving
Archive Recordings and Their Significance in Modern Societies - Anthony Seeger: Archives as Part of Community Traditions
- Judith Gray: Performers, Recordists, and Audiences: Archival Responsibilities and Responsiveness
- Julie To'Liman-Turalir: Why Historic Recordings Are of Value to the Tolai People Today
- Steven Feld: Sound Recording as Cultural Advocacy: A Brief Case History from Bosavi, Papua New Guinea
- Märta Ramsten: New Roles for Sound Archives with a Focus on Ethnomisicological Sound Recordings
- Hans-Hinrich Thedens: Local Archives as a Resource for the Living Folk Music Tradition: Recent Developments in Norway
- Karaikudi Subramanian: Continuity and Change in Musical Transmission in Contemporary South India: The Case Study of Brhaddhvani
- Adrienne Kaeppler: The Tahitian Fete of 1937 Revisited in 1979
- Tjeerd de Graaf: The Use of Sound Archives in the Study of Endangered Languages
Sound Archiving and Technologies - Daniel Neumann: Discourse Media 1969/1999
- Dietrich Schüller: Audiovisual Sources and Their Future Availability
- Uwe Umberto Pätzold: Interdisciplinary Aims, Concepts, and Methods of Digital Data Management in Ethnomusicology and the Ethnosciences
- Pribislav Pitoeff: Computerised Database for an Ethnomusicological Archive: Some Theoretical and Technical Problems and Solutions Chosen by the Laboratoire d'ethnomusicologie du CNRS au Musee de l'Homme (Paris)
- Clemens Schlenkrich: From Recording-oriented Archiving to Data-oriented Storage: Digitizing of Historical Sound Documents at the Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv
Early Recordings on Wax Cylinders and Musical Automata - Susanne Ziegler: The Berlin Wax Cylinder Project: Recent Achievement and Aims
- Gerda Lechleitner: Much More than Sound and Fury! Early Relations between the Phonogram Archives of Berlin and Vienna
- Franz Lechleitner: Exchanf´ges between the Phonogram Archives in Berlin and Vienna: The Gap between Expectation and Performance in Recording Technologies
- Don Niles: The Contribution of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv to the Study of Papua Newuinea Musics
- Avi Nahmias: The Restporation of the Lachmann Collection at the National Sound Archives in Jerusalem
- Piotr Dahlig: Early Field Recordings in Poland (1904-1939) and Their Relations to Phonogram Archives in Vienna and Berlin
- Razia Sultanova: Early Recordings from Central Asia: A Comparative Study of German and British Collections
- J. Scott Miller: Accidental Icon: Sadayakko among the Cylinders
- Gunnar Ternhag: The Introduction of the Phonograph for Documenting Folk Music in Sweden: A Delayed History
- Helmut Kowar:Musical Automata: Another Source of Information for Ethnomusicology Research
Acoustics, Organology, Recordings - Albrecht Schneider: On Tonometrical and Sonological Analyses of "Exotic" Instruments: From Stumpf's Measurements to the Present
- Bozena Muszkalska: Computer Sound Spectrum Analysis as an Aid in the Style Evaluation of a Collection of Portuguese Song in the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv
- Manfred Bartmann: Auditory Ambiguity in Xhosa Music: Interactions between Perceptual Complexity, Emic Concepts and Digital Storage
- Norbert Beyer: From the Archive to India and Back: Organological Questions Answered by Fieldwork
Part II: Music Collections in the World
AFRICA - Bosoma Sheriff, Mai Mallam Kuwuma & Raimund Vogels: Mutuality as a Principle of Musicological Documentation Work in the Borno and Yobe States of Nigeria
- Ali Al-Daw: TRAMA, The Traditional Music Archive: Its Establishment and Potential
- Salia Male & Edda Brandes: Musical Heritage, Conservation and Creativity: The Case of the National Museum of Mali
- Mounir Hentati: Aspects of the Tunisian Experience in the Conservation of Recorded Sound Material
ASIA - Gert-Matthias Wegner: Nepal: Traditional Music in a Changing World
- Shubha Chaudhuri: The Challenges of Computerising an Ethnomusicology Archive
- Ashok D. Ranade: Audio Recording and Oral Tradition in India
- Gisa Jähnichen: The Archives of Traditional Music in Laos
- Giovanni Giuriati: The Role of Sound Archives in the Preservation of Living Traditions: Recreation of Khmer Classical Dance-dramas at the National Theatre in Cambodia
- Khin Maung Tin & Gretel Schwörer-Kohl: Myanmar Sound Archives: A Preliminary Survey
- Jin Jingyan: The Music Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts
OCEANIA - Grace koch: Australia's Sound Heritage: Sound Archives in Australia and the Ethical Dimension
- Richard Moyle: South Pacific Voices
- Raymond Ammann: The Archive of the Vanuatu Cultural Centre: The Preservation and Maintenance of Melanesian Music
AMERICAS - Louise Spear: Moving from the Analog to the Digital Millenium: Discovery and Rediscovery Among the Field Recordings in the UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive
- Rafael Jose Menezes Bastos: Authenticity and Entertainment: Ethnic Folkways Library, american Ethnomusicology and the Ethnic Music Market
- Wolfgang Bender: Saving the Jamaican Musical Heritage: The Jamaican Folk Music Collection (JFMC)
EUROPE - Janet Topp Fargion: Living Archives, Commercialisation and the Internet: New Problems for Ethnomusicological Sound Archives
- Elisabeth den Otter & Rein Spoorman: From Private to Public archive: Sound Recordings in the Royal Tropical Institute of Amsterdam
- Pia Srinivasan Buonomo: Recording South Indian Music for the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv
- Oskar Elschek: Concepts and Strategies of Sound Archives in the Past and Present
- Ludwik Bielawski: Phonogram Archives and the Documentation of Folk Traditions in Twentieth-Century Poland
- Auste Nakiene: A Retrospective of the Recording of Folk Melodies in Lithuania
- Ruta Zarskiene: Archive Recordings of Lithuanian Folk Instrumental Music
- Jaan Tamm: Contemporary Developments at the Estonian Folklore Archives' Sound Collection
- Lujza Tari: The History of Phonograph and Digital Sound Recordings and a North Hungarian Village between 1896 and 2000
- Vesa Kurkela: Tampere Sound Archive: Saving Old Analog Tapes for Future Generations
- Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco: Sound as Patrimony: The Plight of Sound Collections in Portugal
- Silvia Martinez Garcia: A Multimedia Project of the Ethnomusicological Archive of the Departement of Musicology at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research
- Giancaarlo Palombini & Luciano Giacche: An Ethnomusicological Archive in Umbria (Italy): Probelms and Perspektives of Computerized Management
Appendix - Table of Musical Examples on the Accompanying CD
- Index