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Colonial Modernity and East Asian Musics Hugh de Ferranti & Yamauchi Fumitaka (eds.) ( the world of music (new series) special issue Vol. 1-2012) 2012 208 p. fig., photos and musical notations (UVP) EUR 32,00 ISBN 978-3-86135-930-2 This...
38,00 € *
Articles: Jacob Olley, Resounding 1923: Musical Modernities from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic Panagiotis C. Poulos, “Foreigners in their Homeland”: Song Writing, Musical Estrangement, and Subjecthood Formation in Late...
38,00 € *
World of Music vol. 13 (2024) 2, Access to Waxes – The Collections from the Arab World of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv II ISSN 0043-8774 ISBN 978-3-86135-938-8 Content / articles: Dörte Schmidt, Data Diplomacy: "Access to Waxes" and the...
38,00 € *
Sound Futures: Exploring Contexts for Music Sustainability Guest Editors: Dan Bendrups & Huib Schippers the world of music (new series)Vol. 4(2015) 1 2015 146 p. fig., photos and musical notations (UVP) EUR 36,00 - EINZELEXEMPLAR ganz...
38,00 € *
Access to Waxes – The Collections from the Arab World of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv I The world of music (new series) vol. 12 (2023) 2 ISSN 0043-8774 ISBN 978-3-86135-935-7 Subscription information: Language of publication: English...
38,00 € *
Music Making and Music Research in the Asia-Pacific Region in Times of COVID-19 World of Music vol. 12 (2023) 1, ISSN 0043-8774 ISBN 978-3-86135-934-0 Subscription information: Language of publication: English Bibliography: 2 issues per...
38,00 € *
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