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Colonial Modernity and East Asian Musics
Colonial Modernity and East Asian Musics
Colonial Modernity and East Asian Musics Hugh de Ferranti & Yamauchi Fumitaka (eds.) ( the world of music (new series) special issue Vol. 1-2012) 2012 208 p. fig., photos and musical notations (UVP) EUR 32,00 ISBN 978-3-86135-930-2 This...
38,00 € *
The oral Epic: Performance and Music
The oral Epic: Performance and Music
2000 256 S./p. Hc 13,5 x 21 cm engl. (UVP): EUR 34,00 ISBN 978-3-86135-643-1 There is plenty of evidence that both in ancient Greece and in medieval Europe orally performed epics were sung rather than spoken, often to the accompaniment...
34,00 € *
Resounding 1923: Musical Modernities from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic
Resounding 1923: Musical Modernities from the...
Articles: Jacob Olley, Resounding 1923: Musical Modernities from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic Panagiotis C. Poulos, “Foreigners in their Homeland”: Song Writing, Musical Estrangement, and Subjecthood Formation in Late...
38,00 € *
Access to Waxes – The Collections from the Arab World of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv II
Access to Waxes – The Collections from the Arab...
World of Music vol. 13 (2024) 2, Access to Waxes – The Collections from the Arab World of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv II ISSN 0043-8774 ISBN 978-3-86135-938-8 Content / articles: Dörte Schmidt, Data Diplomacy: "Access to Waxes" and the...
38,00 € *
Mambo Moto Moto. Music in Tanzania Today
Mambo Moto Moto. Music in Tanzania Today
2016 232 pp. Book + 1 DVD numerous Photographs + 8 pp. color plates Index engl. + German abstract 17 x 24 cm EUR 38,00 (UVP) ISBN 978-3-86135-650-9 Looking at the music of present-day Tanzania opens a broad range of perspectives on a...
38,00 € *
Sound Futures: Exploring Contexts for Music Sustainability Guest Editors: Dan Bendrups & Huib Schipp
Sound Futures: Exploring Contexts for Music...
Sound Futures: Exploring Contexts for Music Sustainability Guest Editors: Dan Bendrups & Huib Schippers the world of music (new series)Vol. 4(2015) 1 2015 146 p. fig., photos and musical notations (UVP) EUR 36,00 - EINZELEXEMPLAR ganz...
38,00 € *
Das Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv 1900-2000 Sammlungen der traditionellen Musik der Welt The Berlin Pho
Das Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv 1900-2000...
Das Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv 1900-2000 Sammlungen der traditionellen Musik der Welt The Berlin Phonogram Archive 1900-2000 Collection of Traditional Music of the World Hg./Ed.: Simon, Artur 2000 240 S./p. Hardcover 17 x 24 cm...
39,00 € *
World of Music Vol. 12 (2023) 2
World of Music Vol. 12 (2023) 2
Access to Waxes – The Collections from the Arab World of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv I The world of music (new series) vol. 12 (2023) 2 ISSN 0043-8774 ISBN 978-3-86135-935-7 Subscription information: Language of publication: English...
38,00 € *
Music Making and Music Research in the Asia-Pacific Region in Times of COVID-19
Music Making and Music Research in the...
Music Making and Music Research in the Asia-Pacific Region in Times of COVID-19 World of Music vol. 12 (2023) 1, ISSN 0043-8774 ISBN 978-3-86135-934-0 Subscription information: Language of publication: English Bibliography: 2 issues per...
38,00 € *
Ansätze zu einer Harmonielehre der persischen Kunstmusik, Siavash Beizai 2016
Ansätze zu einer Harmonielehre der persischen...
Ansätze zu einer Harmonielehre der persischen Kunstmusik Siavash Beizai ( Intercultural Music Studies Vol.: 20) 2016 248 S. Buch + 1 CD zahlr. Notenbeispiele Index engl., pers. + dt. Zusammenfasung 17 x 24 cm EUR 42,00 ISBN...
42,00 € *
Music in China Today. Ancient Traditions, Contemporary Trends Bernhard Hanneken & Tiago de Oliveira
Music in China Today. Ancient Traditions,...
Music in China Today. Ancient Traditions, Contemporary Trends Bernhard Hanneken & Tiago de Oliveira Pinto (Eds) ( Intercultural Music Studies Vol.: 21) 2017 256 pp. Book + 1 audio CD numerous Photographs Index engl. + Chinese abstracts...
46,00 € *
Music Archiving in the World Papers Presented at the Conference on the Occasion of the 100th Anniver
Music Archiving in the World Papers Presented...
Music Archiving in the World Papers Presented at the Conference on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv Hg./Ed.: Berlin, Gabriele & Simon, Artur 2002 520 p. + Compact Disc Hardcover 17 x 24 cm engl. EUR...
50,00 € *
Prinzipien des Improvisierens in der nordindischen Kunstmusik Empirische Untersuchungen der Unterric
Prinzipien des Improvisierens in der...
Prinzipien des Improvisierens in der nordindischen Kunstmusik Empirische Untersuchungen der Unterrichts- und Aufführungspraxis Markus Schmidt ( Intercultural Music Studies Vol.: 22) 2018 232 S. Buch + 1 Audio-CD zahlr. Notenbeispiele...
46,00 € *
Transcultural Music History. Global Participation and Regional Diversity in the Modern Age Reinhard
Transcultural Music History. Global...
Transcultural Music History. Global Participation and Regional Diversity in the Modern Age Reinhard Strohm (Ed.) ( Intercultural Music Studies Vol.: 24) 2021 448 p. + 4 plates numerous figures, photos and musical notations Index 4 color...
48,00 € *
Transfer und Diversität. Musik und transkulturelle Praxis: Deutschland – Türkei Aktarım ve Ç
Transfer und Diversität. Musik und...
Transfer und Diversität. Musik und transkulturelle Praxis: Deutschland – Türkei — — — Aktarım ve Çeşitlilik. Müzik ve Transkültürel Uygulama: Almanya – Türkiye Jin-Ah Kim & Nevzat Çiftçi (Hg./Haz.) ( Intercultural Music Studies Vol.: 23)...
38,00 € *
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